Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Let it Snow!

Winter is on the way...

Winter is good and bad, beautiful and ugly and can make u happy or very mad, as we say pissed off! I hate the winter because of the cold and many other reasons. I like winter because of Christmas and sledding. But one thing about winter is the driving on these crazy roads with people that just don’t have common since on how to drive on slushy or icy roads and that is what gets me very mad.

I can’t preach about driving because first of all, I have never drove on these roads here in La Crosse so this winter will be my first, but I sure did drive on roads back home that roads were never plowed on and can be very icy and that takes skill. Yes, I have been in accidents before but accidents that someone else caused, gotten myself into the ditch, but the accidents here are by the way people drive because they don’t know when to slow down but instead last minute put the breaks down and then rear- end someone. I’m just saying in general that most people don’t know how to drive on slippery roads because their in such a "hurry", but I know there are many people who do know how to take caution on snowy roads. Its just ridiculous how people can drive so senseless and not care about their surrounding and everyone else around them.

At home, on the road I live on, the road was never plowed in the mornings and sometimes I was able to drive through it and sometime I had to be late for school because I had to wait till the plow would go through. I remember one morning, I turned on the TV hoping school would be canceled, which I did every morning,  but that morning there was at least about 15 inches of snow or more and I knew that I couldn’t get out.Though school was not cancelled, it was about the time to head to school, I was lucky to drive out my driveway seeing that the fact it toke me about five chances, struggling to get onto the road. But this snow was the heavy packed snow, good for snowballs kind of snow and when I got to the stop sign at the end of my road, I was stuck because I was kind of was pushing the snow in front of me and when I stopped I couldn’t move forward because of all the snow that was piled up. 

While I was stuck this one car was coming down the hill behind me and obviously wasn’t paying attention and crashed into the back of me pushing me across the road into the ditch so now I was definitely stuck. I had a Dodge Eagle for a car at the time and it’s the lightest car that you would ever drive which I got into some accidents because the back end would always fish tail no matter who was driving. But anyways, I eventually got the car out of the driveway and started all over again the next day because the car wasn’t damaged. But I learned my lesson that next time I will not drive if I can’t get out of the driveway.

My point is its either nature or the people are those who cause many accidents and I’m saying please try to be careful while driving on snowy or icy roads especially on these busy roads, if one gets into one accident then there is guaranteed that another will get into one. And if you are running late for work or something important don’t try to drive fast, take your time because everyone understand its winter time and that the roads won’t be the greatest to drive on. Its better to show up late rather then get into an accident and pay a whole months pay check to pay for the accident you got into. 

Let it snow!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Accident

It was about May 2009, when I should of actually listened to my mother. I decided to go to my boyfriends house. While I was at Mikes, we were just chilling in his room watching TV until his parents were ready to go out to eat, we went to our close by restaurant and got back around 7 or so. I ended up staying later till around 10pm when my mom simply told me that I had to be home by 9pm because I had to work the next day. Anyways after Mike and I got done watching one of his movies, it was about the time I should go home. 

Around 10pm, I left Mikes and headed on home. Now the roads I travel on back at home are kind of dangerous I think. The road Mike lives on are very hilly and the woods and tall grass pretty much comes right up to edge of the road. I was obviously hour late from what my mom told me, so I put my lead foot down a bit speeding it up to about 65, which I shouldn’t have done. As I was coming down one of the hills, and right at the bottom at the last minute… Bang! A dumb deer decides to step out of the woods onto the road as I drive right past the spot at the same time.  But catch this. Because I was going fast, I hit the deer on my right side of my car making me swerve a bit ending up in a complete 180, as if I was heading back to my boyfriends house. When I hit the deer, it flew back smashing my passenger window, which the glass flew into side of my face leaving couple of scratches and the deer some how ended up about 20 yards in to the ditch about 30 yards away from where my car ended up.  From hitting the deer so hard, the guts were ripped open splattered all over side of my car, and it pushed back everything such as the moving the radar back a bit to point it was not able to drive. I also was a good enough driver to keep it on the road. I came out with couple of scratches and bruises but I was fine overall.

When it was all over in ten seconds, I called Mike first to come by me asap because I was so scared and shocked. Once Mike came I had him call my parents and when they got here we called the cops. And the first thing the cop said, “ Wow, I’m surprise its not in the ditch… and you're alive.” I was like WHAT, your surprise I am alive- what the hell. They said, from how I hit the deer and how fast I was going, they expected it to be in the ditch, and if I ended up in the ditch I would have been dead because there is a lot of rocks and a old fence that a fence post would of possibly of stabbed through the driver window into my head killing me. And I was like “Wow that’s some bullshit… obviously it didn't happen so can we focus on this right now.” I was so mad. But we took Mikes truck and pulled it to his house since it was right down the road and left it there overnight. The one thing that really pissed me off was when the cop asked if I was under the influence and I of course said, “Hell No,” and went form there. And now I have a curse on me every time I drive on that road because every time I go to Mikes house, there has been a deer in the very spot I had my accident. And the reason why I should of listened to my mom was if I would of left at 9 like I was suppose to it would of never happened…according  to my mother.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Guessing Game

 “Hmm, I’m craving for something caramel, chocolate and chewy!” I’m not talking about a Twix or a Caramello, and it’s not some kind of dessert bar that someone makes. But here’s the deal, I’m going to give you some information, and I’m going to see who can name the candy bar first for a winning prize.

It’s a chocolate bar made of malt nougat topped with caramel and covered with milk chocolate and on the other hand, without the caramel, is similar to a 3 Musketeers bar. The chocolate for this chocolate candy bar was supplied by Hershey’s. It was created in 1923 by Frank C. Mars and was manufactured in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Wikipedia Para 2). It was first commercially distributed filled chocolate bar. The name and taste was taken from a malted milkshake who supposedly Forrest Mars, son of Frank, came up with the idea and told his father. Though Frank was the one who came up the name of the chocolate bar that we all American enjoy eating this sweet snack.

On March 10, 1925, this trademark was registered in the U.S. claiming a first- use of 1922 and in 1924 this yummy bar was introduced nationally and was sold 800,000 that year and 8.2 million today (Wikipedia Para 3). 

It was at first called the Forever Yours bar.  It remained until 1979 when it was discontinued but due to popular demand, the Forever Yours bar returned in 1989 and was renamed to what we know today, the chocolate and vanilla was forever parted.

There are two version of this enjoyable snack, the American or the European and Australian version. The European and Australian version is pretty much the same but without caramel and the nougat is much lighter. It was also distributed by the Mars Confectionary company.

Have you figured out what candy bar I’m talking about, if not here is a hint; “The sweet you can eat between meals without ruining your appetite” or “Comfort in every bar.” These slogans were first said when this chocolate bar were bitten into.


This candy bar is what we call sweet, tasty and has a lot of calories. It can make every kids day bright up or even the adults that want to have snack during their break. I believe that this is one of my favorite chocolate candy bars next to the snickers, and now I’m sure you are wondering what it is. Well, I’m not going to tell you! If you can be the FIRST to tell me what kind of chocolate candy bar it is, and I’ll bring that candy bar in for you.

Lets see who wins! :)