Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What do you think?

Ok, the topic I am about to talk about is a controversial subject and is based on my opinion, your views could be completely opposite and you may agree with me. You have your opinion and I have mine but here it goes.

First thought is what do you think about abortion? For those that don’t fully understand what an abortion is, abortion is the intentional termination of a pregnancy after conception. It allows women to put an end to their pregnancies, but involves killing the undeveloped embryo or fetus. To sum it up, its when a women kills her child. Which leads to what I strongly think about this, I believe that no young teen or any women should have an abortion. You were the one who made the decision to have sex, you know the consequences you possibly could get from doing this action that you thought would be alright. Obviously there are ways not to get pregnant such as the pill and of course the use of a condom but the one thing that most girls and women don’t know is a little pin hole in a condom or couple days u forgot to take the pill can lead to the biggest decision that you have to make.

Now this will get you thinking, in the United States the number of abortions per year is about 1.37 million and the number per day in the United States is about 3,700 a day. Now what does that tell you? Another fact I found on the internet, 52% of women obtaining abortions in the U.S. are younger then 25, teenagers obtain 20% and girls under 15 account for 1.2%. Wow, I cant believe how much these percentages have been rising, I mean how can a person possibly kill a child. But there’s one situation that I can understand why to get an abortion, if you had been raped, that gives you every right to get an abortion. Because I’m sure I wouldn’t want to be reminded every time I look at the baby of what that person could possibly look like, would you? But if you’re a young teen that had sex at the wrong time and got pregnant well, damn take care of the child, it has every right to live just like you are right now. 

Here are some thoughts to why I think teens or young women get abortions, one- having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities, two- they cannot afford a child, and third of all- they don’t want to be a single parent. I mean I don’t want to be rude or anything but these girls and boys need to realize that they need to take responsibility for what they did, there are a lot of girls that regret their decision for what they’ve done and how they could possibly kill such a blessing in the world, but that’s the burden they have to live with now. I mean think of it like this, say you or your girlfriend gets pregnant, and you or she decide to kill it just because you think that you cant handle it, what would you do in this situation? Well here’s what I got to say to that, Abortion is bad and you should take responsibility and take care of it. What if that would have been you, your mother killed you because she couldn’t take on the situation that she got herself into.. There’s other options too such as adoption, because at least your giving the child a chance to have a life. Because if your not ready to be a parent, adoption allows you to do something courageous and compassionate and gives you a second chance to finish growing up yourself.

If I were to be pregnant right now, I would defiantly keep my child, no second guesses. I would take care of it because he/she is mine and I will love him/her till the day I die, even if I do or don’t have my significant other to be here for me and the child. I really do mean every word I say, it just breaks my heart for those that do choose abortion. An abortion is serious and permanent, there’s no turning back, so don’t be pushed or influenced by others, it’s what YOU WANT. 

~ Remember this is what I believe in and this is my opinion on what I think about this. Thank you!


  1. Wow great facts, very interesting topic, I agree with you on the topic.

  2. Brittney-
    I agree with you that there are many options for women when it comes to pregnancy. Birth control is free to low income women and very cheap for those who dont qualify, especially in WI. I think adoption is a great choice but can be a very difficult one, so I think prevention is key. I think education is the most important thing when it comes to what the options are. I think it is unfortunate that abstinence seems to have lost it's favorable place on our hearts. But in a society bombarded with sexual images, I think we have become desencitized and sex is almost seen as a rite of passage for young girls. I am a little concerned that one of the ammendments to the new health care bill has some wording that could make it possible that we, as taxpayers, could be paying for abortions even if we don't agree with it. This is definitely a topic that requires our attention.

  3. Thanks Bailey and I agree with u too Augusta. It just seems like no one cares what women are going through and what we have to put up with, especially through a pregnancy. But its just a topic that no one remembers to help out on. But look at our economy what is there to help on. I don't know that much about abortions but i just don't think people should go through it. Thats all.
